Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So I've thought many times that I need to learn how to knit. And if fairness I learned from my Grandmother about 20 years ago. But of course I forgot everything that I learned. Then my Mom has tried to teach me a couple of times now and since I never practiced I never really learned. So here I am. I have a set of needles and ball of yarn and a how-to-book infront of me, and of course my Mum sitting next to me.

Overall it's not going to badly. I've learned to do the double cast-on and the knit (not the pearl yet). The trouble that I'm having is that it's getting a bit to tight on the needle. So tight I can barely move the loops on the needle. I've done it a few times and the same result. I can now move the beginning loops and the ending loops, but I must get over excited in the middle because there is no law in nature that will move those babies.

I'm guessing that I won't be making baby sweaters as beautiful as the ones my Mom makes, but I might make a half decent pot holder or cat blanket someday. I'll keep you posted.



Kellybot said...

I think crochet is oodles easier and more enjoyable than knitting. I never got the hang of it.

I tagged you!

Have fun!

CAbrahamson said...

Thanks Kelly. I learned to crochet ages ago, but my left-handed Mom taught me. Now I have problems following patterns. I worked on teaching myself right handed, but other interests came into my life. Someday I'll try it again. :)

Unknown said...

I've always wanted to learn to knit. I guess I'll just always want to! LOL One day I'll try.....

Good luck! Can't wait to see what you create!

Teal Chic said...

Good for you for learning! Once you get the hang of it, you'll be addicted!!!